Social Media Accounts to Be Scrutinized

US Will Scrutinize Social Media Accounts for Visa Applicants and Asylum Seekers

Congress is pressuring the Department of Homeland Security to investigate visa applicants’ and asylum seekers’ social media accounts. The purpose of this further scrutiny is to weed out potential applicants who have ties to unsavory organizations or who share beliefs or sympathies that align with terrorist organizations.

Much of the pressure emanates from the San Bernardino shooting. Ms. Malik came to the United States on the fiancé visa. While she had not published suspicious messages on her social media accounts, the Saudi woman had exchanged private online messages that would have raised concerns had they been available for background checks.

The move to analyze applicants’ social media accounts has support from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. The purpose of studying applicants’ social media accounts and internet profiles to determine whether they are security risks to the United States. A pilot program is underway to scrutinize the social media accounts of fiancé visa applicants.

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